
From Oracle FAQ

A blog (or web log) is a website where entries are commonly displayed in reverse chronological order. Most blogs provide commentary or news on a particular subject.

The following Oracle related Blogs are available on the Net:

Oracle Bloggers[edit]

Here are some interesting Oracle blogs you may want to bookmark. Most of these blogs are also aggregated on the OraFAQ Aggregator.

Oracle Blogs in alphabetical order:

A to E[edit]

F to J[edit]

K to O[edit]

P to T[edit]

U to Y[edit]

  • Yann Neuhaus
  • Yasin Baskan (Oracle Today - blog about cases I see in my day-to-day Oracle DBA job. Mostly anything related to Oracle RDBMS will be the subject.)

Host your blog on[edit]

Registered OraFAQ users can post their blog entries directly on this site.

Blogs hosted on this site will automatically be aggregated as well. So, it's an easy way to get the word out without you having to worry about the technical details.

Also see[edit]