Re: ? oracle7 listener fails to start

From: Trevor Paquette <>
Date: 1996/01/18
Message-ID: <>#1/1 (David Stark) writes:

> Robert Pollard <rpollard_at_Traveller.COM> writes:
> >I don't know if you have your answer yet but I have a problem similar to
> >yours in Solaris when I try to start lsnrctl. For some reason, and I
> >haven't researched it yet, it takes 2 to 3 times of attempting the
> >
> I had a similar problem and Oracles solution was to remove the
> "o" (letter o) or oracle directory from beneath /var/tmp. It has to do
> with socket files from previous listener startup being present in this
> directory.

 Under Oracle 7.2 these files are now located under /var/tmp/.oracle  Change your scripts to remove both dirs just in case...

 Name:Trevor Paquette      |Alberta Energy Company Ltd |Work:(403) 266-8400|3900, 421 7th Ave S.W.     | Fax:(403) 290-8400    |Calgary, Alberta, Canada   |ICBM:51'05"N/114'01"W          |T2P 4K9                    |Mind:In the Rockies..
Received on Thu Jan 18 1996 - 00:00:00 CET

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