OMLETv4 The Ultimate Visual Real Time Oracle Monitoring Tool

From: <>
Date: 25 Jun 2004 12:55:52 -0700
Message-ID: <>

[Quoted] [Quoted] omlet v4) wrote in message Dear DBA,

[Quoted] [Quoted] You are cordially invited to test and review our windows native and [Quoted] [Quoted] [Quoted] 100% pure Java Oracle 9i/8i Monitoring Application (OMLET). OMLET is [Quoted] [Quoted] the Ultimate Visual Real Time Oracle Monitoring Tool. As the leading expert in your field, your opinion is highly valued and your feedback is very appreciated. We would like to encourage you to distribute copies of OMLET to your associates and fellow DBAs. Omlet can be downloaded from:

or any of many mirrors worldwide:  

Thank you for your time and participation.


Amjad Daoud, OCP
The OMLET Team Lead
Tera Knowledge Systems, Inc. Received on Fri Jun 25 2004 - 21:55:52 CEST

Original text of this message