Re: Import Designer 2000 Web PLSQLs into Designer 9i

From: jhking <>
Date: Fri, 25 Jun 2004 15:50:59 -0500
Message-ID: <cbi32b$>

Raz wrote:
> Hi King,
> Yup the web pl/sql toolkit was installed by default. We installed the
> Web PL/SQL Generator library onto the user schema and just compiled
> the old designer web code onto the database. And viola they are
> working! Though we havent tested all the screens, initial signs have
> been encouraging! Thats a relief. :)
> We will be sticking to Option 2, as recreating all the modules on
> Designer 9i would take a hell lot of time. so we stick to the
> thankless job of manually editing these packages with no designer
> help!
> About the Table APIs u mentioned,i havent been able to trace any api
> for the tables being updated from the screens in the current
> production system. Is that api is optional and can be done without?
> Atleast in the code there are simple insert/updates statements and no
> reference to cg$<table_name> procedures. Also, as i will be executing
> these as normal PLSQL packages are APIs needed at all?
Your packages related to the screens are somename$, somename$someothername, somename$js$someothername. The first is the module, the second the module component and the third is javascript for the module component, so when I talk about module code I mean somename$,   when I talk about component code I mean somename$someothername. If your components are doing insert and/or update and they aren't using the table APIs (the cg$<tablename> procedure calls) then somebody has already seriously hacked up these modules. In a generated module component that does insert/update you have to have the cg$<tablename> package executable in order for everything to work. You can see your code, if there's no reference to cg$<tablename>.ins or cg$<tablename>.upd then you don't need them.
> Thanks for ur time
> Raz
Glad I could help. I usually can't help the folks that have helped me, but I can "pay them forward". Received on Fri Jun 25 2004 - 22:50:59 CEST

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