Re: OMLETv4 The Ultimate Oracle Monitoring Tool

From: Daniel Morgan <>
Date: Sat, 26 Jun 2004 16:21:40 -0700
Message-ID: <1088292129.905442_at_yasure>

[Quoted] wrote:

> Daniel Morgan <> wrote in message news:<1088208286.33103_at_yasure>...

>> wrote:
>>>omlet v4) wrote in message Dear DBA,
>>>You are cordially invited to test and review our windows native and
>>>100% pure Java Oracle 9i/8i Monitoring Application (OMLET). OMLET is
>>>the Ultimate Visual Real Time Oracle Monitoring Tool. As the
>>>leading expert in your field, your opinion is highly valued and your
>>>feedback is very appreciated. We would like to encourage you to distribute
>>>copies of OMLET to your associates and fellow DBAs. Omlet can be
>>>downloaded from:
>>>or any of many mirrors worldwide:
>>>Thank you for your time and participation.
>>>Amjad Daoud, OCP
>>>The OMLET Team Lead
>>>Tera Knowledge Systems, Inc.
> Danny the fanny,
[Quoted] > Dude you are a fucking moron. You've got the IQ of a cooked omlet.
> Half the crap you write doesn't make sense. You are the dim of the
> dimwits!
[Quoted] > Aren't we lucky.  What would we do without your students and your
> expertise? I bet half of them downloaded OMLET so far!

I don't care if my mother downloaded it ... that isn't the point. You are a spammer andnd your use of the language in every usenet group you can spell says as much about you as I ever could.

Now exactly what is it you have contributed to these groups other than spam and obscenities?

Daniel Morgan
(replace 'x' with a 'u' to reply)
Received on Sun Jun 27 2004 - 01:21:40 CEST

Original text of this message