Re: Characterset Question

From: Mladen Gogala <>
Date: Wed, 27 Mar 2024 19:09:21 -0400
Message-ID: <>

On Wed, 2024-03-27 at 16:20 +0100, Maxim wrote:
> Mio years ago is very recently  it technologies evolve very quickly (in
> human terms), so ASCII7 might be considered paleozoic from the point of
> view Unicode standard version 15.1.0, my son might consider me as
> paleozoic (ancient) from his point of view, whereas i consider myself at
> the relatively young lifestage...

But thoughts, the slave of life, 
and life, time’s fool, 
And time, that takes survey of 
all the world, Must have a stop.

(Shakespeare, Henry IV)

Admittedly, we are in some strange waters given that this an Oracle list. I wonder what will the people of the next geological period say about this debate, if there are any.

Mladen Gogala
Database SME

Received on Thu Mar 28 2024 - 00:09:21 CET

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