Web Cache FAQ

From Oracle FAQ

Oracle Web Cache FAQ:

What is the Oracle Web Cache?[edit]

The Oracle Web Cache can be used to cache static and dynamically generated web pages. The cache should be your first point for accepting user requests from clients using web browsers.

The Web Cache also provides load balancing and can route non-cached requests to a set of web servers. This provides protection when some servers are overloaded or become inaccessible.

What is the difference between the Database and Web Caches?[edit]

PLEASE NOTE: The Database cache is not supported anymore!

Old info:

The Database cache caches database tables and read-only PL/SQL while the Web cache caches URLs (static and dynamic Web documents).

The database cache can be used to speed up SQL processing and take load off the database server. The Web Cache can be used to take load off your Web Listeners and load balance requests between available web servers.

How does one install and configure the Web Cache?[edit]

The Web Cache is installed as part of the iAS installation process. One can configure the Web Cache from the Web Cache Administrator page (http://localhost:4000/webcacheadmin). The default userid and password is "administrator/administrator".

Note that the cache is by default started on port 1100. One would normally want to change this to 80 as most users will enter your site on post 80.

How does one stop and start the Web Cache?[edit]

On Unix systems the Web Cache can be started with this command:

webcachectl start

On Windows systems, start the Cache by starting the corresponding service, or by executing the webcachectl command from a console window.