Stephane Faroult

From Oracle FAQ
Photo of Stéphane Faroult

Stéphane Faroult (1959 -) is a French database consultant who first discovered relational databases and the SQL language back in 1983. He joined Oracle France in their early days (after a brief spell with IBM and a bout of teaching at the University of Ottawa) and soon developed an interest in performance and tuning topics. After leaving Oracle in 1988, he briefly tried to reform and did a bit of operational research, but after one year, he succumbed again to relational databases. He has been continuously performing database consultancy since then, and founded RoughSea Ltd in 1998.

More recently he had directed his efforts towards education, creating a number of video tutorials, first for Youtube, then for the Konagora website that is dedicated to education. He taught Computer Science undergraduates a long time ago and many professional developers since then.


Stéphane has authored several books, more recently:

  • The Art of SQL (with Peter Robson) (ISBN 0-596-00894-5) (2006)
  • Refactoring SQL Applications (with Pascal L'Hermite) (ISBN 0-596-51497-2) (2008)
  • SQL Success - Database Programming Proficiency (ISBN 978-1-909765-00-9) (2013)
  • Getting the Message Across - Using Slideware Effectively in Technical Presentations (ISBN 978-1484222942) (2016)

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