Shell scripting
From Oracle FAQ
This article contains some shell scripting examples:
Set the evironment
Use the follwoing code to setup the environment before you execute any Oracle utilities:
export ORACLE_SID=yoursid export ORAENV_ASK=NO; . /usr/local/bin/oraenv export ORAENV_ASK=YES;
Capture SQL*Plus output
Some examples of how to interact with Oracle from a Unix or Linux shell script and return back to the shell script:
OUTPUT=`sqlplus -s scott/tiger <<END SELECT * FROM dual; EXIT 0; END` ERROR=`echo $OUTPUT | grep ORA-` if [ "$ERROR" = "" ]; then echo 'No error - continue' else echo 'Error - stop!' fi
Loop through databases on a server
All databases on your machine should be listed in the oratab file. One can use this information to do processing on all databases. Look at this example:
#!/bin/ksh ALL_DATABASES=`cat /etc/oratab|grep -v "^#"|grep -v "N$"|cut -f1 -d: -s` for DB in $ALL_DATABASES do unset TWO_TASK export ORACLE_SID=$DB export ORACLE_HOME=`grep "^${DB}:" /etc/oratab|cut -d: -f2 -s` export PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/bin:$PATH echo "---> Database $ORACLE_SID, using home $ORACLE_HOME" sqlplus -s system/${DB}password @<<-EOF select * from global_name; exit; EOF done
NOTE: The terminating 'EOF' should normally be in column 1. The '-' before the first EOF above causes the shell to strip all leading TAB characters (not spaces, only TABs) from that point until (and including the EOF). This lets you indent the code in between using TABs.