Oracle8i release 3 (8.1.7) on RedHat 9

From Oracle FAQ

Login as root.

First remove the package compat-libstdc++-devel-7.3-2.96.118 as:

# rpm -e --nodeps compat-libstdc++-devel

Then remove compat-libstdc++-7.3-2.96.118 as:

# rpm -e --nodeps compat-libstdc++

Then install following packages which are provided with Oracle 8.1.7 CD in the same order as given below:Ensure that there is no error during this package installation

# cd /mnt/cdrom
# rpm -ivh compat-libstdc++-6.2-
# rpm -ivh compat-glibc-6.2-
# rpm -ivh compact-egcs-6.2-
# rpm -ivh compact-egcs-c++-6.2-                                         
# rpm -ivh compact-egcs-g77-6.2-
# rpm -ivh compact-egcs-objc-6.2- 			 
# rpm -ivh compact-libs-6.2-3.i386.rpm	                                

Copy and extract the file i386-glibc-2.1-linux.tar

# cp i386-glibc-2.1-linux.tar /home1 
# cd /home1    
# tar -xvf i386-glibc-2.1-linux.tar

While extracting this tar file,a directory named ‘usr’ will be generated in current path.Copy the ‘i386-glibc21-linux’ directory of ‘usr/i386-glibc-2.1-linux’ to /usr.

Before installing Oracle 8i,check the following are available:

# cd /usr/bin
# ls -l gcc
# ls -l cc
# ls -l i386-glibc21-linux-gcc

Group and User creation

Create group oinstall,dba

# groupadd oinstall
# groupadd dba

Create user oracle with group dba with home directory /home1/oracle

# useradd -g oinstall -G dba -d /home1/oracle oracle
# passwd oracle          ( Give oracle password )

Profile Modification

# su - oracle
# vi .bash_profile

This file should be as follows:

# .bash_profile
# Get the aliases and functions
if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
. ~/.bashrc
# User specific environment and startup programs
. /usr/i386-glibc21-linux/bin/	[Please note space ‘. /usr’]
export PATH
umask 022
export TERM=vt100
export LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.2.5
export ORACLE_BASE=/home2/oracle
export ORACLE_HOME=/home2/oracle/product/8.1.7
export PATH=.:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/bin:$ORACLE_HOME/bin:$ORACLE_HOME/ctx/lib:$PATH
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/lib:/lib:/usr/lib:/usr/local/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
export ORACLE_SID=prutech
export ORACLE_TERM=xterm
export DISPLAY=localhost:0.0
export KDE_DISPLAY=localhost:0.0
export LDEMULATION=elf_i386

copy the file j2sdk-1_3_1_02-linux-i386.bin to /usr.Give full permission to this bin file.

# chmod 777 j2sdk-1_3_1_02-linux-i386.bin

Install Java as follows:

# ./j2sdk-1_3_1_02-linux-i386.bin

Press space bar when license agreement shows. After this installation, create a link as:

# cd /usr/local
# ln -s /usr/jdk1.3.1_02 java

Copy the file linux81701.tar to /home1 and extract it.

# tar -xvf linux81701.tar

Then a directory named ‘Disk1’ will be created

Log on as root

# xhost +localhost
# su - oracle

(Note :- Press Num Lock ON state).

Change directory to Disk1/install/linux

$ cd Disk1/install/linux
$ ./runInstaller

Now graphical installation will be starts.Select the options as per requirement. During this session the installer prompted to run a shell

To run this shell,it is necessary to switch from oracle user to root user.i.e (Don’t use su -)

$ su root
# cd /home2/oracle/product/8.1.1
# sh

After run this shell successfully,click Retry button of warning message.

Select the required options and continue installation.Ignore relink errors.

When this pre-installation finish, a prompt will shows to run

# sh

Enter full path of local bin directory - /usr/local/bin

Oracle installer also starts some automatic tools installation,ie some database configuration tools...cancel it. Finish the runInstaller.

Post Installation procedure

Copy the glibc-2.1.3-stubs.tar file to /home2/oracle/product/8.1.7

$ tar -xvf glibc-2.1.3-stubs.tar

This will create a directory lib, two files, README.stub

$ sh
$ vi genclntsh

then edit LD_SELF_CONTAINED=” “

$ ./gencltsh
$ ./relink all
$ dbassist

Creates the database as per user configuration. i.e for tablespaces, db block buffers, redolog buffers and log buffers... Finish dbassist. Database creation completed.

Edit init.ora update parameters if required.

$ ./netca (for listener and tnsnames.ora  creation)
$  vi listener.ora

verify host,port,sid..etc.

$  lsnrctl services   (for checking listener )
$  tnsping webwvr     ( to check ping  to same database websvr)    
$  sqlplus system/manager@websvr (connect to same database to check listener.ora                  

and tnsnames.ora are working)

$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/sqlplus
$ vi glogin.sql and add               define _editor=vi

set nls_date_format=’DD/MM/YYYY’

$ cd /$ORACLE_HOME/bin   sh     (to get help in sqlsplus)
$ cd /$ORACLE_HOME/bin/   vi dbshut  add ‘immediate’  before shutdown word.

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