New York Oracle Users Group

From Oracle FAQ

The New York Oracle Users Group (NYOUG) was founded in 1984 to exchange ideas and assist and support Oracle users in New York, the world's most exciting city.

NYOUG consists solely of volunteer users, consultants and vendors of Oracle-related products and services. Meetings are held 4 times per year. These general meetings usually last all day and often feature breakout sessions for special interest groups, vendor presentations and/or training. The Special Interest Groups (SIGs) also hold separate, supplemental meetings on an as needed basis.

NYOUG is affiliated with the IOUG.

Current board[edit]

  • President: Simay Alpoge
  • Vice President: Coleman Leviter
  • Executive Director: Margarett Roy
  • Treasurer: Robert Edwards
  • Secretary: Michael Medved

External links[edit]