Monitor RMAN restore
From Oracle FAQ
Here are some queries you can play with while waiting for an RMAN restore to complete. These queries are useful to monitor the restore, tracks progress (percentage completed and throughput) and to identify potential problems.
TTITLE LEFT '% Completed. Aggregate is the overall progress:' SET LINE 132 SELECT opname, round(sofar/totalwork*100) "% Complete" FROM gv$session_longops WHERE opname LIKE 'RMAN%' AND totalwork != 0 AND sofar <> totalwork ORDER BY 1;
TTITLE LEFT 'Channels waiting:' COL client_info FORMAT A15 TRUNC COL event FORMAT A20 TRUNC COL state FORMAT A7 COL wait FORMAT 999.90 HEAD "Min waiting" SELECT s.sid, p.spid, s.client_info, status, event, state, seconds_in_wait/60 wait FROM gv$process p, gv$session s WHERE p.addr = s.paddr AND client_info LIKE 'rman%';
TTITLE LEFT 'Files currently being written to:' COL filename FORMAT a50 SELECT filename, bytes, io_count FROM v$backup_async_io WHERE status='IN PROGRESS' /
TTITLE OFF SET HEAD OFF SELECT 'Throughput: '|| ROUND(SUM(v.value/1024/1024),1) || ' Meg so far @ ' || ROUND(SUM(v.value /1024/1024)/NVL((SELECT MIN(elapsed_seconds) FROM v$session_longops WHERE opname LIKE 'RMAN: aggregate input' AND sofar != TOTALWORK AND elapsed_seconds IS NOT NULL ),SUM(v.value /1024/1024)),2) || ' Meg/sec' FROM gv$sesstat v, v$statname n, gv$session s WHERE v.statistic# = n.statistic# AND = 'physical write total bytes' AND v.sid = s.sid AND v.inst_id = s.inst_id AND s.program LIKE 'rman@%' GROUP BY / SET HEAD ON
Example output
% Completed. Aggregate is the overall progress: OPNAME % Complete --------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- RMAN: aggregate input 80 RMAN: full datafile restore 75 Channels waiting SID SPID CLIENT_INFO STATUS EVENT STATE Min waiting --- ---- --------------- -------- -------------------- ------- ----------- 883 924 rman channel=t1 ACTIVE Backup: sbtrestore WAITING 122.57 882 930 rman channel=t2 ACTIVE Backup: sbtread2 WAITING .15 881 937 rman channel=t3 INACTIVE SQL*Net message from WAITING 67.72 424 939 rman channel=t4 INACTIVE SQL*Net message from WAITING 23.42 Files currently being written to FILENAME BYTES IO_COUNT ---------------------------------------------------- ---------- ---------- /dev/data/orcl_system_d1 6251741184 47698 /dev/data/orcl_users_d7 6251610112 47697 Throughput: 94414.4 Meg so far @ 7.48 Meg/sec