Linux FAQ
Oracle Linux FAQ:
Linux is a free operating system, is Oracle for Linux also free?[edit]
Linux is a free Operating System and hence people expect Oracle on Linux to also be free as well. However, this is not necessarily the case. If you need something that is free of charge, consider the following options:
- A free trial version of Oracle for Linux (the commercial version) can be downloaded from the Oracle Technology Network (OTN) web site. Please go to for details.
- Download Oracle XE (Express Edition). XE is a freeby, downloadable version of the Oracle database server that can be used on single processor machines. It can only manage up to 4 GB of data and 1 GB of memory.
For current pricing information, please check the Oracle Store website at
What support is available for Oracle on Linux?[edit]
Standard Oracle Support (pay for) is available from Oracle Corporation.
If you run on Oracle Enterprise Linux, you can also get Oracle to support the operating system. Contact your sales representative for more information.
Unable to install, wrong linux version[edit]
When you start the installation (./runInstaller), you get:
Checking installer requirements... Checking operating system version: must be redhat-3, SuSE-9, redhat-4, UnitedLinux-1.0, asianux-1 or asianux-2 Failed <<<<
Possible solutions:
- Start the installer with the "ignoreSysPrereqs" option
./runInstaller -ignoreSysPrereqs
- Edit file /etc/redhat-release and add your Linux version to it
What's the difference between Oracle Linux and Red Hat Linux?[edit]
Oracle Enterprise Linux (OEL) is a support program, not a Linux new distribution. You can acquire Linux support from either Oracle Corporation or Red Hat.
Red Hat has different views on this topic, which is understandable as Oracle is taking business away from them.
Should I run my database on Linux or Windows Servers?[edit]
Both Linux and Windows are great operating systems for running your Oracle database. This is a very mood question, but is still frequently asked. Some (obviously biased) guidelines:
- Open;
- The Operating System costs nothing;
- Very stable and scalable; and
- Intended for use by experienced IT professionals.
- Proprietary;
- Don't allow much consumer choice;
- Will make Billy-boy even richer; and
- Intended for the computer illiterate masses.