Ken Jacobs

From Oracle FAQ
Photo of Ken Jacobs

Kenneth R. Jacobs or Ken Jacobs ( is a vice president of product strategy for Oracle Server Technologies. He joined Oracle in July 1981, and since then held a variety of technical and management roles at Oracle. Historically speaking, Jacobs is Oracle employee No. 18.

Ken was born on Brooklyn, New York. He graduated in 1971 with a degree in biology from Oberlin College (Ohio, USA). He further performed graduate work in computer science at George Washington University.

Prior to joining Oracle, Ken was with Inslaw Inc., where he managed a team providing computing support to social science survey data research. Prior to this, he worked as a programmer and systems analyst for several companies including: ADP Network Services, The Urban Institute, Oberlin College and The Brookings Institution.

Mr. Jacobs is also known as "Dr. DBA" to thousands of Oracle database administrators, and has been a prominent spokesperson for Oracle and an advocate inside the company for customers' interests. Mr. Jacobs has helped guide the development of the Oracle Database product over the years. He represented Oracle on the SQL Standards Committee for over seven years, and has participated in several other standards activities. He also initiated and led affords to enhance the security features of the Oracle database, working with the National Computer Security Center and other key government agencies. Mr. Jacobs has also represented Oracle at the Transaction Processing Performance Council.

Ken has a strong interest in open source technologies, and now oversees the InnoDB development group based in Helsinki.

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