From Oracle FAQ
A cursor is a pointer used to fetch rows from a result set. One can think of a cursor as a data structure that describes the results returned from a SQL SELECT statement. One of the variables in this structure is a pointer to the next record to be fetched from the query results.
Note that if you do repetitive stuff inside a loop and you fail to close your cursors, you would soon run into the ORA-01000: maximum number of open cursors exceeded error.
PL/SQL examples
PL/SQL example opening a cursor and fetching data from it in a loop:
DECLARE CURSOR c1 IS SELECT table_name FROM all_tables; v_table_name all_tables.table_name%TYPE; v_count INTEGER := 1; BEGIN OPEN c1; LOOP FETCH c1 INTO v_table_name; IF c1%notfound OR v_count > 2000 THEN EXIT; END IF; v_count := v_count + 1; END LOOP; -- Does cursor need to be closed IF c1%ISOPEN THEN -- cursor is open CLOSE c1; END IF; dbms_output.put_line('Rows processed: '||v_count); END; /
Implement a parameterized cursor:
DECLARE CURSOR MyCur(p_sal emp.sal%TYPE) IS SELECT * FROM emp WHERE sal > p_sal; BEGIN FOR MyRow IN MyCur(123) LOOP dbms_Output.Put_Line(MyRow.eName ||' ' ||MyRow.sal); END LOOP; END; /
Cursor with UPDATE OF and CURRENT OF:
DECLARE CURSOR abc IS SELECT a FROM my_seq FOR UPDATE OF a; Myvar NUMBER; BEGIN Myvar := 1; FOR MyRow IN abc LOOP UPDATE my_seq SET a = Myvar WHERE CURRENT OF abc; Myvar := Myvar + 1; END LOOP; END; /
Also see
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