From Oracle FAQ

Information about the usenet group (also called CDO marketplace):

Group's charter[edit] is a news group provided for commercially oriented topics of interest to people using Oracle software. This group includes but is not limited to articles covering the following topics:

  • jobs available
  • positions wanted
  • services offered
  • software or hardware wanted or available for sale
  • books and other literature available
  • announcements of new open source or commercial products
  • general announcements such as beta tests

Posting jobs available to any other* newsgroups should be avoided.


This news group should provide a specific place for those interested in the Oracle-related job market, as well as any other Oracle-related products and services for sale or wanted. Creation of this group will provide relief to the many readers of the news group who are annoyed by the large number of commercial advertisement postings.


This newsgroup was created after it passed its vote for creation by 221:31 as reported in news.announce.newgroups on 5 October 1996. This group was created on 10 October 1996.

Current status[edit]

Open, Unmoderated.

Also see[edit]