From Oracle FAQ
A CSV file is a file with Character Separated Values (previously Comma Separated Values). Here is a sample CSV file (with comma as separator character):
empno,empname,salary 1,"Larry",1500 2,"Ed",1000 3,"Bruce",1200
CSV to Oracle
One can save a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet to a CSV file and use Oracle's SQL*Loader program to upload the CSV file into a table in the database. Use the following SQL*Loader directive to indicate that the data is in CSV format:
Also look at the examples in the SQL*Loader FAQ.
Oracle to CSV
Sample SQL*Plus script to spool table values to a CSV file:
SQL> SPOOL query.csv SQL> SELECT '"'||ename||'", "'||job||'", '||sal||', '||comm FROM emp; SQL> SPOOL OFF
Fast solution for huge files
CREATE TYPE collist IS TABLE OF VARCHAR2 (4000) / CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE bulk_csv (directory_name VARCHAR2, file_name VARCHAR2, query VARCHAR2) AUTHID CURRENT_USER IS fh UTL_FILE.file_type; stmt VARCHAR2 (32767) := NULL; header VARCHAR2 (32767) := NULL; curid NUMBER; desctab DBMS_SQL.DESC_TAB; colcnt NUMBER; namevar VARCHAR2 (32767); TYPE cola IS TABLE OF collist INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER; res cola; rcur SYS_REFCURSOR; current_line VARCHAR2 (32767); next_line VARCHAR2 (32767); BEGIN curid := DBMS_SQL.open_cursor; DBMS_SQL.parse (curid, query, DBMS_SQL.NATIVE); DBMS_SQL.DESCRIBE_COLUMNS (curid, colcnt, desctab); FOR i IN 1 .. colcnt LOOP DBMS_SQL.DEFINE_COLUMN (curid, i, namevar, 32767); END LOOP; IF DBMS_SQL.execute (curid) = 0 THEN FOR i IN 1 .. colcnt LOOP IF (i > 1) THEN header := header || ','; stmt := stmt || ','; END IF; header := header || desctab (i).col_name; stmt := stmt || CASE WHEN desctab (i).col_type IN (DBMS_SQL.Varchar2_Type, DBMS_SQL.Char_Type) THEN '"'||desctab (i).col_name || '"' WHEN desctab (i).col_type IN (DBMS_SQL.Number_Type, DBMS_SQL.Date_Type, DBMS_SQL.Binary_Float_Type, DBMS_SQL.Binary_Bouble_Type, DBMS_SQL.Timestamp_Type, DBMS_SQL.Timestamp_With_TZ_Type, DBMS_SQL.Interval_Year_to_Month_Type, DBMS_SQL.Interval_Day_To_Second_Type, DBMS_SQL.Timestamp_With_Local_TZ_type) THEN 'to_char("' || desctab (i).col_name || '")' WHEN desctab (i).col_type = DBMS_SQL.Raw_Type THEN 'rawtohex("' || desctab (i).col_name || '")' WHEN desctab (i).col_type = DBMS_SQL.Rowid_Type THEN unsupport datatype : ROWID WHEN desctab (i).col_type = DBMS_SQL.Long_Type THEN unsupport datatype : LONG WHEN desctab (i).col_type = DBMS_SQL.Long_Raw_Type THEN unsupport datatype : LONG RAW WHEN desctab (i).col_type = DBMS_SQL.User_Defined_Type THEN unsupport datatype : User Defined Type WHEN desctab (i).col_type = DBMS_SQL.MLSLabel_Type THEN unsupport datatype : MLSLABEL WHEN desctab (i).col_type = DBMS_SQL.Ref_Type THEN unsupport datatype : REF WHEN desctab (i).col_type = DBMS_SQL.Clob_Type THEN unsupport datatype : CLOB WHEN desctab (i).col_type = DBMS_SQL.Blob_Type THEN unsupport datatype : BLOB WHEN desctab (i).col_type = DBMS_SQL.Rowid_Type THEN unsupport datatype : ROWID WHEN desctab (i).col_type = DBMS_SQL.Bfile_Type THEN unsupport datatype : BFILE WHEN desctab (i).col_type = DBMS_SQL.Urowid_Type THEN unsupport datatype : UROWID ELSE unsupport datatype : '||desctab (i).col_type||' END; END LOOP; stmt := 'select collist(' || stmt || ') from (' || query || ')'; fh := UTL_FILE.fopen (directory_name, file_name, 'W', 32767); OPEN rcur FOR stmt; LOOP FETCH rcur BULK COLLECT INTO res LIMIT 10000; current_line := header; next_line := NULL; FOR f IN 1 .. res.COUNT LOOP FOR g IN 1 .. res (f).COUNT LOOP IF (g > 1) THEN next_line := next_line || ','; END IF; IF ( NVL(LENGTHB (current_line),0) + NVL(LENGTHB (next_line),0) + NVL(LENGTHB (res (f) (g)),0) + 3 > 32767) THEN UTL_FILE.put_line (fh, current_line); current_line := NULL; END IF; IF (NVL(LENGTHB (next_line),0) + NVL(LENGTHB (res (f) (g)),0) + 3 > 32767) THEN UTL_FILE.put_line (fh, next_line); next_line := NULL; END IF; next_line := next_line || res (f) (g); END LOOP; current_line := CASE WHEN current_line IS NOT NULL THEN current_line || CHR (10) END || next_line; next_line := NULL; END LOOP; UTL_FILE.put_line (fh, current_line); EXIT WHEN rcur%NOTFOUND; END LOOP; CLOSE rcur; UTL_FILE.fclose (fh); END IF; DBMS_SQL.CLOSE_CURSOR (curid); END; / CREATE OR REPLACE DIRECTORY tmp AS '/tmp'; EXEC bulk_csv('TMP','emp.csv','SELECT * FROM EMP ORDER BY ENAME')
Glossary of Terms | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | # |