From Oracle FAQ

CICS (Customer Information Control System) is an IBM product for transaction management. CICS provides database and data communications (DB/DC) support for transaction based programs. Third-party products like TMON and OMEGAMON can be used to monitor CICS transactions and gather transaction statistics.

Oracle Access Manager for CICS[edit]

Oracle provides an Oracle Access Manager for CICS product that can be used to run 3GL programs (i.e. COBOL, C, etc.) in a CICS environment.

Oracle's Access Manager replaced their prior CICS-Attach product. With Access Manager it was no longer required to have an Oracle database on MVS. One could, for example, run CICS on OS/390 and have the database on a UNIX platform.

Transaction synchronization can be controlled by CICS (with the EXEC CICS SYNCPOINT call). This means that multiple data sources like DB/2, IMS, as well as Oracle on OS/390 and non-MVS platforms can be updated or rolled back as a single transaction.


SQL*Forms V2.3 and V3.0 was able to execute from CICS, but Oracle de-supported SQL*Forms on MVS effective from 1 January 1998. The main problem was that CICS mainly supported pseudo-conversational transactions, while SQL*Forms was conversational in nature and thus used more memory than was typically observed for mainframe-type applications.

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