From Oracle FAQ

Oracle Billing and Revenue Management (BRM) is an integrated end-to-end enterprise software suite for the communications industry.


Oracle Corporation became the owners of this software product after they have purchased the company Portal Software in April 2006.

BRM was previously called Infranet (versions 6.5, 6.7 & prior), then Portal (versions 7.0, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4). The name BRM is officially used first for the 7.3.1 version of the software.

Product features[edit]

  • Pricing management - offers pricing flexibility and time-to-market performance.
  • Customer management - supports convergent prepaid and postpaid services in a single subscriber account.
  • Partner management - connects new service partners securely, thus enabling profitable revenue share.
  • Real-time access - manages revenues and billing, rates events, updates account balances, and posts financial information in real-time.
  • Revenue assurance - helps maximize revenue and minimize loss associated with fraud and revenue leakage.
  • Integration to Siebel, SAP and Microsoft software - reduce costs associated with application integration.

Oracle partners[edit]

The following Oracle partners can assist with BRM deployments:

External links[edit]

Glossary of Terms
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