Advanced Replication Conflict Resolution
From Oracle FAQ
Data conflicts can occur when using Advanced Replication - for example, if the same record is updated from multiple sites. Oracle allows conflict resolution rules to be defined to report and/or resolve such conflicts automatically.
Define conflict handlers[edit]
Update resolution[edit]
create function upd_handler ( old_userid IN NUMBER, new_userid IN OUT NUMBER, curr_userid IN NUMBER, ignore_discard_flag OUT BOOLEAN) RETURN BOOLEAN AS BEGIN mail('Update conflict: old userid = '||old_userid||', new = '||new_userid||', curr = '||curr_userid); ignore_discard_flag := FALSE; return FALSE; END; /
Delete resolution[edit]
create function del_handler ( old_userid IN NUMBER, ignore_discard_flag OUT BOOLEAN) RETURN BOOLEAN AS BEGIN mail('Delete conflict: userid = '||old_userid); ignore_discard_flag := FALSE; return FALSE; END; /
Unuique resolution[edit]
create function ins_handler ( new_userid IN NUMBER, ignore_discard_flag OUT BOOLEAN) RETURN BOOLEAN AS BEGIN mail('Uniqueness conflict: userid = '||new_userid); ignore_discard_flag := FALSE; return FALSE; END; /
Install conflict handlers[edit]
Before isntalling the below handlers, suspend master activity:
exec dbms_repcat.suspend_master_activity(gname=>'MYGRP');
When done, generate support and resume:
exec dbms_repcat.generate_replication_support('SCOTT', 'USERS', 'TABLE'); exec dbms_repcat.resume_master_activity(gname=>'MYGRP');
Update resolution[edit]
exec dbms_repcat.drop_update_resolution('SCOTT', 'USERS', 'CG_USERS', 1); exec dbms_repcat.drop_column_group('SCOTT', 'USERS', 'CG_USERS'); exec dbms_repcat.make_column_group('SCOTT', 'USERS', 'CG_USERS', '*'); exec dbms_repcat.add_update_resolution( - 'SCOTT', 'USERS', 'CG_USERS', - sequence_no => 1, - method => 'USER FUNCTION', - function_name => 'upd_handler', - parameter_column_name => 'userid');
Delete resolution[edit]
exec dbms_repcat.drop_delete_resolution('SCOTT', 'USERS', 1); exec dbms_repcat.add_delete_resolution( - 'SCOTT', 'USERS', - sequence_no => 1, - method => 'USER FUNCTION', - function_name => 'del_handler', - parameter_column_name => 'userid');
Unuique resolution[edit]
exec dbms_repcat.drop_unique_resolution('SCOTT', 'USERS', 'PKUSERS', 1); exec dbms_repcat.add_unique_resolution( - 'SCOTT', 'USERS', 'PKUSERS', - sequence_no => 1, - method => 'USER FUNCTION', - function_name => 'ins_handler', - parameter_column_name => 'userid');