Re: Benchmark comparisons of IDMS and DB/2
From: jtzecher <>
Date: 21 Nov 2006 06:36:08 -0800
Message-ID: <>
Date: 21 Nov 2006 06:36:08 -0800
Message-ID: <>
DBMS_Plumber wrote:
> For the same functionality, DB2 will require about an order of
> magnitude more cycles than IDMS. Always been that way. Don't expect it
> to change.
> But it takes two orders of magnitude more labor effort to add an
> equivalent piece of new functionality to an IDMS based application than
> to a DB2 application. Always been that way. Don't expect it to change.
Thank you, DBMS_Plumber. I had approximately the same conclusion but was just wondering if anybody formalized any part of that into a study of some sort. Received on Tue Nov 21 2006 - 15:36:08 CET