Re: Benchmark comparisons of IDMS and DB/2
Date: 20 Nov 2006 10:35:17 -0800
Message-ID: <>
jtzecher wrote:
> Does anybody have any literature that compares the performance of
> IDMS and DB/2? Specifically, I am looking for CPU usage or MIPS
> required to perform like tasks. That is to say, if you had two
> functionally identical databases running side by side, which one would
> use how many MIPS or CPU hours versus the other to do the same basic
> work?
For the same functionality, DB2 will require about an order of
magnitude more cycles than IDMS. Always been that way. Don't expect it
to change.
But it takes two orders of magnitude more labor effort to add an
equivalent piece of new functionality to an IDMS based application than
to a DB2 application. Always been that way. Don't expect it to change.