Re: Benchmark comparisons of IDMS and DB/2

From: jlfoster <jlfoster_at_sprintpcs.kawm.INVALID>
Date: Fri, 17 Nov 2006 14:16:51 -0800
Message-ID: <>

"jtzecher" <> wrote in message

> Greetings,
> Does anybody have any literature that compares the performance of
> IDMS and DB/2? Specifically, I am looking for CPU usage or MIPS
> required to perform like tasks. That is to say, if you had two
> functionally identical databases running side by side, which one would
> use how many MIPS or CPU hours versus the other to do the same basic
> work?

Isn't I/O the big bottleneck now? Even 15KRPM isn't enough anymore. Heh, anyone try using solid-state drives on a DMBS server yet? :-) Received on Fri Nov 17 2006 - 23:16:51 CET

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