Looking for DA's and DBA's in the midwest to assist an early stage startup
From: codecowboy <jacks.9_at_osu.edu>
Date: 11 Aug 2006 11:07:12 -0700
Message-ID: <1155319632.253004.183870_at_m79g2000cwm.googlegroups.com>
Date: 11 Aug 2006 11:07:12 -0700
Message-ID: <1155319632.253004.183870_at_m79g2000cwm.googlegroups.com>
I am putting together a team in Columbus Ohio to build a state of the
art website geared to revolution an industry (I have plenty of details
to go into for anyone who is interested. I am looking for someone who
is entrepreneurial minded with the skills to be our DB architect.
Respond if you want to know more.
Thank you