Re: Newbye - Help with Oracle9i, web app and web dev toolkit with PL/SQL
Date: Mon, 09 Jan 2006 15:07:19 -0800
Message-ID: <>
Bzm wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm a professional develper, but very new to Oracle. I used it before
> from other applications, strictly as DB server (from NET, VB, Access)
> But now I face another problem. I need to start an web application,
> developed on Oracle only (it should be developed using pl/sql web
> toolkit)
> So I download and installed Oracle Personal 9i, but I don't have any
> clue on how to continue.
> I need to know how do I setup a web application under Oracle web
> server, how do I write a stored proc, etc. Very basic things, just to
> get started with.
> Can anyone explain me briefly those things, and point me to a quick
> start tutorial regarding this?
> Thank you for all answers.
> Regards,
> B. Zamfir
Start with Discussion Forums, Sample Code, Documentation, etc.
Not to discourage you but from your short resume you seem wholly unqualified for the task ahead.
-- Daniel A. Morgan (replace x with u to respond)Received on Tue Jan 10 2006 - 00:07:19 CET