Re: Tool for compare/upgrade different schemas

From: <>
Date: 9 Jan 2006 14:52:18 -0800
Message-ID: <>

I'm a big fan of a product called PL/SQL developer by all-around automations.
It's got a great schema compare tool that'll generate the DDL like you need.
As for comparing the the data in a table, I suggest you create scripts using the USER_TAB_COLUMNS table:
ie. I generate compare stmt's (for the where clause) using the following:
select ' or (t.'|| t.column_name || ' <> p.'|| t.column_name || ')'column_name from USER_TAB_COLUMNS t where t.TABLE_NAME = 'XXXX' <--enter your table name
so I can compare like so: "select t.*, p.* from test t, prod p" where (and insert results from the above sql stmt) to generate rest of stmt. Received on Mon Jan 09 2006 - 23:52:18 CET

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