Re: Avoid displaying connect messages in SQL*Plus
Date: Wed, 25 Feb 2004 09:02:33 -0500
Message-ID: <>
"Juan Carlos Pe?uela" <> wrote in message
| 'Hi!,
| I need suppress the "Conectado" (connect) message which is displayed
| when I use the CONN command in SQL*Plus.
| I tried with FEEDBACK, ECHO, PAGESIZE..... etc. Is there any way to
| "connected" message not to be displayed.
| Thanks a lot.
| P.D.: Sorry for my english! :-)
if you want to suppress if from displaying on the screen (or to piped output), use SET TERMOUT OFF. ie:
reconnect.sql script:
set termout off
connect &1
set termout on
set heading off
set pause off
'Currently connect as '
|| user
|| ' at '
from global_name;
set heading on
SQL> _at_reconnect scott/tiger
Currently connect as SCOTT at DEV01.US.ORACLE.COM
SQL> _at_reconnect bad/credentials
SP2-0640: Not connected
(of course, it sounds like you would not want any validation message at all, so just leave out the SELECT ... FROM GLOBAL_NAME)
if you want to 'suppress' it from a spool file, don't open the spool file until you issue the connect
does this cover your scenarios?
;-{ mcs Received on Wed Feb 25 2004 - 15:02:33 CET