Avoid displaying connect messages in SQL*Plus
From: Juan Carlos Pe?uela <jcpenuela_at_supercable.es>
Date: 25 Feb 2004 04:19:25 -0800
Message-ID: <7345dcbf.0402250419.68f1f139_at_posting.google.com>
Date: 25 Feb 2004 04:19:25 -0800
Message-ID: <7345dcbf.0402250419.68f1f139_at_posting.google.com>
[Quoted] [Quoted] I need suppress the "Conectado" (connect) message which is displayed when I use the CONN command in SQL*Plus.
I tried with FEEDBACK, ECHO, PAGESIZE..... etc. Is there any way to "connected" message not to be displayed.
Thanks a lot.
P.D.: Sorry for my english! :-) Received on Wed Feb 25 2004 - 13:19:25 CET