Re: Forms 6i patch 6 and up: Why are they so HUGE
Date: Wed, 31 Jul 2002 12:35:08 +0200
Message-ID: <> wrote:
> Hello,
> We are running forms 6i patch 4 on sun solaris. We want to move to
> designer 6i but need to apply patch 10 to forms 6i.
> Since patch 6 of forms 6i, the patches are ENORMOUS. This add 2.4 Gb
> per installation, lenghtening the backup procedure and using more
> tape.
> Is there a way to remove some non-essential components from the forms
> 6i patch 6 and up oracle home to reduce its size ?
> Oracle could not give me an intelligent explanation as the why the
> patch got so big after patch 6. In the readme it says that RDBMS
> 8.0.4 (or other, can't recall the exact version) is automatically
> installed as part of the patch. It looks like it is even actually
> installing a SEED/EMPTY database in the oracle 6i home.
> Can anyone confirm this and tell me if they found an
> explanation/solution for this problem.
> I taught that only the 8.0.4 CLIENT LIBRARIES would be needed to
> support new oracle features, not the WHOLE database SERVER
> distribution !
> Note: Please remove -nospam from my e-mail address to reply
[Quoted] It's easier for Oracle if they just dump everything together, no selections to be made during installation. Compare to 9iAS, eg.
On the other hand, if a PC comes with 40Gb to start with, what is 2Gb?
[Quoted] But if you (and I) are running systems that go a couple of years back, it is a pain somewhere down below.
Once installed, if you have time, there is a lot you can remove.
[Quoted] On some of my systems, I have to do that WHILE installing, lest I run out of space.
-- Gerard H. PilleReceived on Wed Jul 31 2002 - 12:35:08 CEST