Forms 6i patch 6 and up: Why are they so HUGE
Date: Tue, 30 Jul 2002 17:48:22 GMT
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[Quoted] We are running forms 6i patch 4 on sun solaris. We want to move to designer 6i but need to apply patch 10 to forms 6i.
Since patch 6 of forms 6i, the patches are ENORMOUS. This add 2.4 Gb per installation, lenghtening the backup procedure and using more tape.
Is there a way to remove some non-essential components from the forms 6i patch 6 and up oracle home to reduce its size ?
Oracle could not give me an intelligent explanation as the why the patch got so big after patch 6. In the readme it says that RDBMS 8.0.4 (or other, can't recall the exact version) is automatically installed as part of the patch. It looks like it is even actually installing a SEED/EMPTY database in the oracle 6i home.
Can anyone confirm this and tell me if they found an explanation/solution for this problem.
I taught that only the 8.0.4 CLIENT LIBRARIES would be needed to support new oracle features, not the WHOLE database SERVER distribution !
Note: Please remove -nospam from my e-mail address to reply Received on Tue Jul 30 2002 - 19:48:22 CEST