Re: Oracle 7.3.4 Database and Export/Import: Questions
Date: Tue, 30 Jul 2002 14:42:09 GMT
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"Walter L. Preuninger II" wrote:
> I have a 50GB database on NT.
> I need to perform some serious DBA, but when I went to Oracle school, they
> showed me Oracle 8i. I have read every FAQ that I could find, and have
> several questions.
> I can manage to get an export file created. I understand I need to drop the
> tablespaces and recreate them. How? I want to consolidate the multiple
> datafiles that have been created over time into one datafile per tablespace.
> Do I need to drop sequences and indexes? How do I rebuild them once the
> database is imported?
> The structure of the database is completely foriegn to me.
> About the only thing that I dont worry about is doing the backup prior to
> export/import... I have a Plasmon LTO 10.1 tape library...
> Thank you for any advice, input or scripts you can send my way.
> Thanks,
> Walter L. Preuninger II
Based on your apparent lack of experience I would highly advise you to do nothing that you are contemplating in the production database. Either (A) set up a test database and test your import there until you are comfortable with the process or (B) create a new tablespace with one datafile and move one existing tablespace, drop it to free up room and do another.
But I seriously question whether what you contemplate is advisable. There is no value in one datafile per tablespace and quite the contrary if the current organization is helping to spread I/O over multiple physical disks. It may well be that your desire for some sort of 'neatness' will hurt performance.
If it ain't broke ... don't fix it.
Daniel Morgan Received on Tue Jul 30 2002 - 16:42:09 CEST