Oracle 7.3.4 Database and Export/Import: Questions
Date: Tue, 30 Jul 2002 01:28:12 GMT
Message-ID: <MYl19.385266$>
[Quoted] I have a 50GB database on NT.
I need to perform some serious DBA, but when I went to Oracle school, they showed me Oracle 8i. I have read every FAQ that I could find, and have several questions.
I can manage to get an export file created. I understand I need to drop the tablespaces and recreate them. How? I want to consolidate the multiple datafiles that have been created over time into one datafile per tablespace. Do I need to drop sequences and indexes? How do I rebuild them once the database is imported?
The structure of the database is completely foriegn to me.
About the only thing that I dont worry about is doing the backup prior to export/import... I have a Plasmon LTO 10.1 tape library...
Thank you for any advice, input or scripts you can send my way.
Walter L. Preuninger II Received on Tue Jul 30 2002 - 03:28:12 CEST