Re: Setting up jobs with the Oracle Enterprise Manager

From: Rick Denoire <>
Date: Sun, 28 Jul 2002 23:47:25 +0200
Message-ID: <>

"Niall Litchfield" <> wrote:

>You may have to talk to the sysadmin for your domain but I'd be a bit
>suprised of Oracle were a valid NT account. Oracle is more usually installed
>under either the local administrator account for the machine (we do this) or
>as a member of the Domain Admins group in a windows environement.

In this case, Oracle is a local account and is a member of the DBA group, setup by the Oracle Installation itself.

>If oracle is a valid account you may also have to prefix it with either the
>domain name or the machine name depending on what sort of account it is
>eg MYDOMAIN\oracle

If I got you right, in my case, if the machine is named CHEW, then:


should work.

I will try just that.

Rick Received on Sun Jul 28 2002 - 23:47:25 CEST

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