Re: Problems with Oracle Client??
Date: Tue, 23 Jul 2002 08:44:57 +0200
Message-ID: <ahitqs$c6b$>
Thanks for any sugestions. That problem was one parameter on instalation proccess.
Uzytkownik "Rauf Sarwar" <> napisal w wiadomosci
> "Alex" <> wrote in message
> > 'some troubles' - it means that after the instalation process program is
> > responding. It's look so that the client was never installed. The same
> > effect I have by Win95, W2000, Win XP - other way Win98 answer with
> > execute forbidden operation" (trnsl. f. Polish). Thats the way I think
> > work problems between P4 and application. It is possible? Have someone
> > Client patch?
> Alex,
> Previous post was to elaborate your problem a bit. Yes there is a bug
> in Oracle installer versions 8.1.5 thru 8.1.7 installing on P4
> machines. But you have not specified whether you *cannot* run
> installer or there is some problem after the installation.
> Please provide if possible, Oracle version, OS, any Oracle error
> message, when do you get this error etc etc. It is impossible to
> provide a suitable answer if there is no information provided.
> Regards
> //Rauf Sarwar
Received on Tue Jul 23 2002 - 08:44:57 CEST