Re: Problems with Oracle Client??
Date: 22 Jul 2002 08:10:50 -0700
Message-ID: <>
"Alex" <> wrote in message news:<ahgo6o$bbl$>...
> 'some troubles' - it means that after the instalation process program is not
> responding. It's look so that the client was never installed. The same
> effect I have by Win95, W2000, Win XP - other way Win98 answer with "Program
> execute forbidden operation" (trnsl. f. Polish). Thats the way I think about
> work problems between P4 and application. It is possible? Have someone any
> Client patch?
[Quoted] Previous post was to elaborate your problem a bit. Yes there is a bug
in Oracle installer versions 8.1.5 thru 8.1.7 installing on P4
machines. But you have not specified whether you *cannot* run
installer or there is some problem after the installation.
Please provide if possible, Oracle version, OS, any Oracle error
message, when do you get this error etc etc. It is impossible to
provide a suitable answer if there is no information provided.
//Rauf Sarwar
Received on Mon Jul 22 2002 - 17:10:50 CEST