Re: ora forms - close window,close runtime
Date: 18 Jul 2002 14:09:36 -0700
Message-ID: <>
[Quoted] Forms does not allow you to close the "main" document window. You must close the MDI window (the outermost window). To allow the user close the form when closing the main document window, you must code the when-window-closed form trigger:
if :system.event_window = 'MAIN_WINDOW' then
end if;
Regarding the second question, I think it is not possible... Clicking in the [X] is the same as keying EXIT_FORM... There is no way of distinguing the two events. The only option would be unabling the [X] button, but I don't know if it is possible in forms.
"AR" <> wrote in message news:<Tb_Y8.689$>...
> i have one palication made in Forms 6i
> but i cannot solve the nexr problem:
> the window has enabled "close allowed", so the (×) is able to click, but
> the window won't CLOSE, what should i do?
> something more?
> is it possible to make Runtime unable to close when (×) is clicked; so i
> want to close application only with click on Exit (exit_form;) menu
Received on Thu Jul 18 2002 - 23:09:36 CEST