Re: What is the event...?
Date: 18 Jul 2002 13:56:24 -0700
Message-ID: <>
By default, none.
But using Oracle Terminal (it is not installed automatically, you must install it manually) you can associate any key to any function on forms. For example, I have a client where we linked the ESC key to the EXIT_FORM function.
Álvaro Palma Aste <queria_direccion_at_el.perla.invalid> wrote in message news:<ah4sc8$ec2$2_at_localhost.localdomain>...
> ...asociated to press the ESC key in the keyboard, in Forms 6.0?
> Thank you
> --
> Atte.
> Álvaro Palma Aste
> Grupo de Ing. Biomédica
> Depto. de Ing. Eléctrica - U. de Chile
> ******************************************************
> It's the only form of protest they're allowed
> I've seen their silent faces scream so loud
> If they were to speak these words they'd go missing too
> Another woman on a torture table what else can they do
> Sting - They Dance Alone...
Received on Thu Jul 18 2002 - 22:56:24 CEST