Re: help: how do you find oracle home on windows
Date: 16 Jul 2002 21:10:18 -0700
Message-ID: <> (Joe Bayer) wrote in message news:<l.1026833106.1864440917@[]>...
> *** post for FREE via your newsreader at ***
> I might be a very easy question, but not for me who only works with unix until now.
> At unix, we can use env | grep ORA
> but what is the equivalent on Windows?
> Thanks for your help.
> --
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[Quoted] Welcome to the world of Windoze. You can't live with it and you can't kill it. Well I should not be so hostile...I use it a lot but then again I have no choice.
If you are familiar with the Windows registry then it will be easy for you. Just look up the value at
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ORACLE\[ORACLE_HOME] to get the default Oracle home. If you have multiple Oracle versions installed on your machine then the home counter enumerates in registry at,
In that case you can query the value for each oracle home at
You can invoke registry editor by using 16 bit utility regedit.exe or 32 bit regedt32.exe from command line. If you want to query registry programatically, then pretty much every Windows development tool has slew of functions to work on registry. If you want to do this from a batch script, you can use regedit.exe or regedt32.exe with command line switches.
//Rauf Sarwar
Received on Wed Jul 17 2002 - 06:10:18 CEST