Re: Sqlload; can I do math during the upload?

From: Gerrit-Jan Linker <>
Date: 17 Jul 2002 04:20:36 -0700
Message-ID: <>

Have a look at SQL*XL. It allows you to take data from Excel straight into your Oracle table. This way you can do your changes simply in the spreadsheet (SQL*XL takes the value displayed to put it into Oracle and not the formula behind it).

Find SQL*XL at

The process to insert a spreadsheet full of data is simpel. SQL*XL presents a new menu item to connect to Oracle. Then you open the Multiple Rows Insert dialog. Tell it the table name and column names, select the range with the data and it will do it all for you!

Kind regards, Gerrit-Jan Linker Received on Wed Jul 17 2002 - 13:20:36 CEST

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