Re: Problem with Oracle 8i client & Oracle forms 6i
Date: Thu, 11 Jul 2002 14:54:21 GMT
Message-ID: <>
Uday Joshi wrote:
> Hi Guyd
> Thanks for the help.
> Still problem is not solved totally.
> Now scenario is like this ....
> I have 2 databases db1 and db2.
> I need to connect to db1 using oracle forms 6i and to db2 using oracle
> 8i client.
> 1. As you suggested i cleared up all registry entries related to
> oracel, removec all oracle directories from my hard disk.
> 2. Then I installed oracle forms 6i which went thru smoothly and
> working fine.
> 3. Now I try to use net8 assistant and i get the same memory acces
> error i got earllier.
> 4. I checked the registry settings and they are as follows
> Default: (VALUE NOT SET)
> Under ALL_HOMES i have home0 and home1
> HOME0 is (value no set)
> "ID"="0"
> and HOME1 corresponds to my installation of oracle forms 6i which is
> installed in f:\orant directory
> there is one more key called ORACLE_HOMES which is (value not set)
> I guess the problem is that erlier registry cleanup was not good.
> ther shall have been only one "oracle home"
> What shall i do now.....repeat the whole stuff again cleaning registry
> and all....
> Uday
Above you wrote: "As you suggested i cleared up all registry entries"
And as you can clearly see you did not.
So your suggested solution to your problem is the appropriate one.
But don't dispair. It is some of the best education you can get.
Daniel Morgan Received on Thu Jul 11 2002 - 16:54:21 CEST