Re: Problem with Oracle 8i client & Oracle forms 6i
Date: Fri, 05 Jul 2002 15:36:01 GMT
Message-ID: <>
Uday Joshi wrote:
> Hi
> I have installed Oracle 8i client to access database.
> Which was working fine till I installed oracle forms 6i to connect
> some other existing Oracle database.
> After installation of forms 6i, nothing works.
> Both Oracle 8i client and forms 6i sqlnet assistant give "Memory
> Access" error.
> Does any one have experienced this problem before ?
> I am using Pentium 4 PC, 256 MB RAM, win 2000
> Thanks in advance
> Uday
Several possibilities. One relates to the fact that you have a Pentium 4. There are workarounds for that at the major Oracle web sites. But more likely it is a question of configuration of ORACLE_HOME and ORACLE_SID. Oracle's advice is that IDS products such as Forms 6i be installed first and the database or client second. If you are comfortable in the registry change the default Oracle home to point to the client product installation (or use the Oracle utility for selecting [Quoted] Oracle home that is on your machine). Also you will find that you have multiple copies of TNSNAMES.ORA. The correct information must be in all [Quoted] of them (not the ones in the sample directories) or you must set up an environment variable to point to the correct file. I would suggest that you go to and search for "multiple homes".
Daniel Morgan Received on Fri Jul 05 2002 - 17:36:01 CEST