Re: Determining stemmed words from a root?
Date: 5 Jul 2002 05:14:48 -0700
Message-ID: <>
For anyone interested,
I found that the following works, assuming text_idx is the name of the context index. "NEW" is the term given as an example...
- [1] get the number of occurences of a token select sum(token_count) from dr$text_idx$I where token_text like 'NEW';
- [2] get the number of stems from a root select count(token_text) from dr$text_idx$I where token_text like '%NEW%';
- [3] get the number of occurences of all stemmed words from a root select sum(token_count) from dr$text_idx$I where token_text like '%NEW%';
- [4] get the words stemmed by a root select token_text from dr$text_idx$I where token_text like '%NEW%';
As far as expanding theme queries...
The documentation states,
In English, returns documents that contain concepts related to
I take this to mean that the RT (related to) operator of the CTX_THES package should work for expanding these queries. eg. ctx_thes.rt('TERM', 'THES_NAME');
But I am not sure.
David Van Horn <> wrote in message news:<>...
> Hello,
> Oracle8i interMedia Text Reference Release 8.1.5 states...
> $term : Expands a query to include all terms having the same stem or
> root word as the specified term.
> eg. $scream expands to scream screaming screamed.
> Is there any way to find what words are stemmed from a given root?
> Additionally, is there way to determine the themes generated by an ABOUT
> query for a given phrase?
> Thank you,
> David Van Horn
Received on Fri Jul 05 2002 - 14:14:48 CEST