RE: Performance Diff between 12 and 19

From: Clay Jackson (cjackson) <"Clay>
Date: Thu, 12 Mar 2020 17:41:22 +0000
Message-ID: <>

Thanks, Jonathan - not sure how I missed that difference. Anyway, will start running that down.

Clay Jackson
Database Solutions Sales Engineer
office  949-754-1203  mobile 425-802-9603

-----Original Message-----
From: <> On Behalf Of Jonathan Lewis Sent: Thursday, March 12, 2020 10:35 AM
To: oracle list <> Subject: Re: Performance Diff between 12 and 19

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I got a significant difference in workload, probably driven by 6,000 executions in 19.3 of:

select count(1)
 sys.idnseq$ where seqobj# = :1

For the 1,000 in a loop I have mechanism that can call a simple script from SQL*Plus 1,000 times. The effects may vary if you have a PL/SQL loop, or (e.g.) a java loop.

Jonathan Lewis

From: <> on behalf of Clay Jackson (cjackson) <> Sent: 12 March 2020 16:31
To: oracle list
Subject: Performance Diff between 12 and 19

Good day!

We're doing some testing of Oracle 19C for our products, and working with a customer who saw some significant differences with performance of sequences between Oracle 12.2.0 and 19.3.0. We've looked at plans (identical) and trace files (no differences other than expected 12 vs 19). Before we open an SR, I was wondering if anyone here has seen similar issues or can give us an idea of where to start debugging.

I know this is "suboptimal" in terms of caching and multiple commits - but, we're looking at "legacy code" that cannot be easily changed.

Here's simple test case that runs anywhere from 20% to 70% slower in similar (RHEL 7.3, X86) hardware. In fact, in one case, the 12c hardware had fewer cores (12 vs 32) and less ram (8G vs 32G) than the 19c environment.

create table test_tab1 (

   id number primary key,
   c1 varchar2(1000)

create table test_tab2 (

   id number,
   t1_id number,
   c2 varchar2(1000),
   constraint test_tab2_fk foreign key (t1_id) references test_tab1 (id) on delete cascade ); create table test_tab1 (    id number primary key,
   c1 varchar2(1000)

create table test_tab2 (

   id number,
   t1_id number,
   c2 varchar2(1000),
   constraint test_tab2_fk foreign key (t1_id) references test_tab1 (id) on delete cascade );

Then run 10000 of these transactions in a loop: insert into test_tab1 values (test_seq1.nextval,'hello'); insert into test_tab2 values (test_seq2.nextval, test_seq1.currval, 'byebye'); commit;

Clay Jackson


Received on Thu Mar 12 2020 - 18:41:22 CET

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