Re: Anyone using Oracle in a hyperconverged infrastructure?

From: Neil Chandler <>
Date: Fri, 14 Dec 2018 10:17:06 +0000
Message-ID: <DB7PR10MB2090D5956C23E8721620228C85A10_at_DB7PR10MB2090.EURPRD10.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM>


I used Oracle (12.1) on Nutanix at a former client a couple of years ago, and it behaves itself. We didn't see any infra-related anomalies but we only had a couple of lightly loaded DB's on there. You have to consider that the infrastructure is all shared, so when we were implementing it and I was doing some extreme I/O testing I was able to slow down everything quite severely, with response times for all of the VM's suffering. For day-to-day workloads I don't see an issue but I'd be wary of putting a DB on there which has significant resource requirements.

I cannot comment about the licensing for it, but it's another area to be cautious as it doesn't hard partition.


Neil Chandler

From: <> on behalf of Rich J <> Sent: 13 December 2018 21:18
To: Oracle L
Subject: Anyone using Oracle in a hyperconverged infrastructure?

Hey all,

Looking towards a hardware refresh, and one direction includes transitioning to hyperconverged infrastructure (HCI), like offerings from HPE SimpliVity and Nutanix. This would initially be for Oracle 12.1, or hopefully 12.2.

Anyone currently running Oracle on HCI? Other than validating license compliance, any concerns over things like performance or support?


Received on Fri Dec 14 2018 - 11:17:06 CET

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