Re: Enterprise Manager Application Data Modelling question
Date: Wed, 14 Nov 2018 16:32:55 +0000
Message-ID: <>
There was a new release in July this year!
I get that the positioning from Oracle is unclear, but that seems a
stretch, especially as there's no sign of the management cloud acquiring
complete db management capabilities on-premises for example
On Wed, Nov 14, 2018 at 3:30 PM Tim Gorman <> wrote:
> Courtney,
> Thank you so much for your carefully written response, but the statement
> "EM is not going anywhere" has many facets.
> I think what is being asked (and to which we accept that you cannot and
> should not respond in this forum) is that nobody should be expecting future
> releases of EM.
> Thanks!
> -Tim
> On 11/14/18 06:55, Courtney Llamas wrote:
> Pete stop spreading vicious rumors ;) EM is not going anywhere, just
> not the focus for Cloud deployments. Folks with on-premises db’s can use
> either OEM or OMC, or a combination of the two.
> Send me the SR and I’ll have someone look into it ;)
> --
> - Courtney
> [image: Oracle] <>
> Courtney Llamas | Architect
> Phone *+7133742102* | Mobile: +8324720596
> Oracle Strategic Customer Program
> Oracle
> [image: Green Oracle] <>
> Oracle is committed to developing practices and products that help protect
> the environment
> *From:* Chris Stephens <> <>
> *Sent:* Wednesday, November 14, 2018 8:50 AM
> *To:*
> *Cc:* Tim Gorman <> <>; oracle-l
> <> <>
> *Subject:* Re: Enterprise Manager Application Data Modelling question
> this is the second oracle-l thread where the future of EM has been
> questioned. is the product going away in the future? will it be replaced by
> something else for shops that run their own databases?
> On Tue, Nov 13, 2018 at 6:03 PM <> wrote:
> Looking at other options is not on the table, Tim.
> I make no comment about EOL for EM. :(
> Pete
> ----- Original Message -----
> *From:*
> *To:*
> <>, <>
> *Cc:*
> *Sent:*
> Tue, 13 Nov 2018 15:56:05 -0800
> *Subject:*
> Re: Enterprise Manager Application Data Modelling question
> In the end, all products are EOL, but some are closer to EOL than others.
> With masking options from Informatica, IBM, Delphix, Red Gate, Dataveil,
> and others to choose from, each of which mask data across most all
> relational database platforms, as well as documents, it seems short-sighted
> to invest licensing money, time, and effort on masking one island of
> information within Oracle one way, and masking all other database platforms
> using other methods. Because all confidential data in non-prod needs to be
> masked, not just Oracle.
> Full disclosure: I work for Delphix, and we do data masking at-rest across
> almost all databases and documents, including mainframe.
> In the past 4+ years, I have only once come up against data masking using
> the Oracle EM pack. This company disliked their experiences masking with
> the Oracle pack because it generated complex SQL and PL/SQL to perform the
> masking within the database engine. Masking algorithms are computationally
> intensive (i.e. encryption, hashing, list-processing, etc) and thus
> difficult to optimize in generated SQL and PL/SQL, performing poorly as
> they chew up CPU expensively licensed for database. When you charge as
> much as Oracle does based on CPU, you don't want that CPU doing anything
> but database workload.
> By contrast, each and all of the other data masking packages retrieve
> arrays of rows to an appserver, mask them in the appserver (typically a
> generic Linux server), then either insert them forward or update them back
> using ROWID, less reliance on the Oracle optimizer, and employing less
> expensive CPU for the computationally-intense masking workload, conserving
> the expensive database licensed CPUs for database workload.
> So when your customers regroup to mask across the enterprise instead of an
> island of Oracle, any of these masking vendors will be happy to solve
> that. Especially down under, on that super big island y'all have... :)
> On 11/13/18 14:36, wrote:
> Yes, I know, it’s unlike me to be asking a question on EM instead of
> answering one. 😊
> This is one I’ve never seen before. I’ve been setting up Data Masking for
> a customer and we have a couple of different ADMs. Previously, the
> Referential Relationships screen showed no records, as the referential
> integrity is not defined in the database (not ideal, but that's how it
> is). But now the screen is completely blank - no buttons, no screen saying
> no records found, nothing. Anyone seen anything like that before?
> Restarting the OMS didn't have any impact. Logged an SR, but no response
> on it yet and the customer really wants to see some progress so trying all
> avenues to move this forward.
> EM 13.2 vanilla.
> Thanks
> Pete
-- Niall Litchfield Oracle DBA http://www.orawin.infoReceived on Wed Nov 14 2018 - 17:32:55 CET
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