Re: Additional CPU justification
Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2017 13:12:57 +0000
Message-ID: <>
Le mer. 22 mars 2017 à 09:17, Toon Koppelaars <> a écrit :
Mark is moving the answer into the direction of my first thoughts: we're
all assuming that the current workload cannot be improved upon, in terms of
its resource usage.
It wouldn't be the first time that I see a database spending 80-90% time on
something that can easily be "tuned".
On Wed, Mar 22, 2017 at 2:23 AM, Mark W. Farnham <> wrote:
Back to the original question (the suggestions were all reasonable):
But if you want to know which resource is your limiting factor, get
yourself a good profiling tool (*cough* Method-R was built by some
friends), and see what you’re waiting for that might help out the business
queries you care most about.
Of course surprising results of the limiting factor often leads directly to
some sql that should be optimized, and it may save you from adding
resources at all. Or at least you’re more likely to add the more important
*From:* []
If you're going to Linux you should consider Oracle Linux. Also, get some
SSDs for that server. The huge performance improvement of implementing
Database Smart Flash Cache is available under Oracle Linux and Solaris -
only those two OS's.
We have two X5 ODAs with a lot of Prod DBs on them. Each ODA node (server)
has 256GB of RAM, 20 cores lit up, with one shared 512GB SSD per ODA. Our
main Prod DBs are running on the the two nodes of one of the ODAs, each
with about a 50GB SGA.. They were straining the ODA nodes at times - Load
Averages of up to 80 or so (which is 400%), with a lot of that being I/O
We turned on Flash Cache and have been utterly stunned at the performance
improvement for each DB. We rarely have L.A.'s over 20 (100%) anymore.
Flash Cache extends the Buffer Cache to the SSD and manages it. We've seen
waits on DB File Sequential Read go way, way down.
As you know memory and disk are much, much cheaper than Oracle CPU
licenses. SSDs have come way down. Licensing Oracle Linux looks like a
fairly inexpensive proposition, though I haven't done so standalone - OL is
just part of the ODA package, which we love.
Hope this helps.
Just to clarify. Are you running Enterprise Edition where one processor
licence covers two Intel cores (i.e 4 CPU threads)? I ask because
processors with two cores are rare and there are not a lot of platforms
where you can do capacity on demand with only 2 cores.
Or are you talking about Standard Edition where metric is the occupied
socket? And then in 12c you will have the 3 sockets limit.
*On Behalf Of *Jack Applewhite
*Sent:* Tuesday, March 21, 2017 5:29 PM
*Subject:* Re: Additional CPU justification
Jack C. Applewhite - Database Administrator
Austin I.S.D. - MIS Department
512.414.9250 (wk)
I can't help about the shape I'm in,
I can't sing, I ain't pretty and my legs are thin.
But ... -- "Oh Well" F.M.
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Toon Koppelaars
RuleGen BV
*From:* <> on
behalf of Jeff Chirco <>
*Sent:* Tuesday, March 21, 2017 3:07 PM
*Subject:* Additional CPU justification
Hi everyone, I am working on trying to make a case that our production
database server needs some additional CPU's but was hoping you might be
able to give me some tips/suggestion that you've used to prove your case.
We are a smaller shop and so we currently only have a 2 CPU database
license and so the cost of doubling that plus all the packs and options we
have is not an easy thing to pass.
We currently running on Windows but plans to move to Oracle Linux
this year and possibly 12c at that time.
We occasionally spike to 80-100% during the day but average around 40%
Thanks for any help.