Re: Fetch speed in SQL Developer
Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2017 17:27:48 +0100
Message-ID: <>
Hi Stefan,
thanks for the update. Of course I am interested. Hard to believe that in over 25 years I never needed to check net performance.
On 09.03.2017 17:13, Stefan Koehler wrote:
> Hey Lothar,
>> SQL trace show that the db is waiting on sql net message from client between fetches. I suspect that the application is processing the rows and the
>> db is waiting for it.
> "SQL*Net message from client" accounts the application think/processing time, but it also includes the network (transfer) time. It is pretty
> impossible (from a SQL*Trace point of view) to say if it is network or application related if your single waits are pretty small.
> However you can use a SQL*Net trace and see exactly where the time is gone as all the corresponding C (network) functions are recorded as well. I have
> written a blog post about this some time ago if you are interested:
> Best Regards
> Stefan Koehler
> Independent Oracle performance consultant and researcher
> Website:
> Twitter: _at_OracleSK
> Upcoming online seminar:
>> Lothar Flatz <> hat am 9. März 2017 um 16:06 geschrieben:
>> Hi Jeff,
>> i know an application that fetches 80.000 - 100.000 rows. (Yeah, that
>> does not make sense, it is OLTP).
>> SQL trace show that the db is waiting on sql net message from client
>> between fetches.
>> (Don't anybody tell me that is an idle wait event, it is not in this
>> case.) I suspect that the application is processing the rows and the db
>> is waiting for it.
>> Now the application vendor has told my customer to fetch 100.000 rows in
>> sql developer as for a test and indeed my client is waiting around 20
>> seconds,
>> fetching all rows using cntrl + PageDown.
>> This seems actually too long. However I am not sure if that is a valid
>> test for the network transfer rate or SQL Developer is taking a time
>> toll fetching the rows.
>> Therefore I am asking. Tests on my laptop suggest it is really the
>> network transfer that takes the time.
>> Since this is a question that might concern others as well I included
>> the list.
>> Regards
>> Lothar
-- -- on Thu Mar 09 2017 - 17:27:48 CET