Re: ORA-04030 possible unix limits??
Date: Thu, 16 Mar 2017 21:11:17 -0500
Message-Id: <>
I am wondering if there isn't any more memory available for the PGA. How much physical memory on the system?
Sent from my iPad
> On Mar 16, 2017, at 2:02 PM, Stefan Koehler <> wrote:
> Hey Henry,
>> Could there be another place that Linux is limiting the process?
> Linux x86_64 has a theoretically VAS (virtual address space - limit of 128 TB :-)
>> Has the Oracle PGA allocation changed in 12c?
> Yes and no (depends on what you compare it with). Realfree memory management / allocator ( mmap() and munmap() ) was introduced with Oracle 9i and
> there was a limit of 16 GB when using it. However this limit was raised to 80 GB by bug fix #14119856 but personally i have never tested it as my lab
> does not have 80 GB of RAM - i am just a poor independent guy, you know ;-)
> Just try to disable realfree memory management / allocator (SQL> alter system set "_use_realfree_heap"=FALSE;) and check if you can use more heap
> memory.
> Best Regards
> Stefan Koehler
> Independent Oracle performance consultant and researcher
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>> Henry Poras <> hat am 16. März 2017 um 18:19 geschrieben: >> >> I am running on Oracle >> >> We are currently getting 4030 (timobj call) which I have tracked to an aggregate function which is instantiating lots of (untunable) pga memory. >> >> Our pga_aggregate_target is 700GB and >> our pga_aggregate_limit is 900G >> >> We are not coming close to using our aggregate memory, yet the process is erroring out at 32GB. I am trying to see if this is an Oracle limit (in >> the past versions, this kind of untunable allocation would continue to rise) or a linux one. >> >> I have checked both ulimit -a and ulimit -Hm with both being unlimited. Could there be another place that Linux is limiting the process? Has the >> Oracle PGA allocation changed in 12c? >> >> Thanks. >> >> Henry
> --
-- on Fri Mar 17 2017 - 03:11:17 CET