Re: Oracle DBA to PostGreSQL DBA?

From: Patrice sur GMail <>
Date: Sat, 24 Dec 2016 15:12:01 -0400
Message-ID: <>

I agree regarding Solaris and AIX. They do hard partitioning well. AIX also uses free memory as I/O buffers. Only problem with AIX is that for Oracle Linux and Solaris are higher priorities

On Dec 20, 2016 09:13, "Mladen Gogala" <> wrote:

> On 12/19/2016 06:04 PM, John Kanagaraj wrote:
>> 1. Intel based X- series servers are way more cost effective, and better
>> performant, compared to SPARC/Itanium/PowerPC based servers of the past
>> generation. So many organizations are using Hardware EOL opportunities to
>> replace them. (This is just to address the question asked earlier, as we
>> took a digression in this thread)
>> That is not exactly true. According to my personal experience, PowerPC 8
> with AIX 7.1 can run circles around any Linux machine. What IBM does
> extremely well is I/O. AIX boxes have the architecture of true
> minicomputers, with disk channels attached to memory, not to common IO bus
> like PCI eXpress. The difference is in many fewer interrupts that IBM
> machine has to process and thus much more CPU power left for user
> processing. I will not even mention things like superscalar architecture
> and vector instructions, which are possible with RISC CPU architecture and
> not with CISC architecture like Intel x86_64 architecture.
> Intel based servers are cheaper, because of the economy of scale, but
> SPARC and PowerPC based server definitely perform much better. I am not
> sure about the HP Itanic, I consider HP to be a company on its death bed.
> After an escapade with the 3rd party ink cartridges, I would no longer buy
> even a printer from them.
> --
> Mladen Gogala
> Oracle DBA
> --

Received on Sat Dec 24 2016 - 20:12:01 CET

Original text of this message