Re: Oracle DBA to PostGreSQL DBA?
Date: Tue, 20 Dec 2016 08:11:47 -0500
Message-ID: <>
On 12/19/2016 06:04 PM, John Kanagaraj wrote:
> 1. Intel based X- series servers are way more cost effective, and
> better performant, compared to SPARC/Itanium/PowerPC based servers of
> the past generation. So many organizations are using Hardware EOL
> opportunities to replace them. (This is just to address the question
> asked earlier, as we took a digression in this thread)
That is not exactly true. According to my personal experience, PowerPC 8
with AIX 7.1 can run circles around any Linux machine. What IBM does
extremely well is I/O. AIX boxes have the architecture of true
minicomputers, with disk channels attached to memory, not to common IO
bus like PCI eXpress. The difference is in many fewer interrupts that
IBM machine has to process and thus much more CPU power left for user
processing. I will not even mention things like superscalar architecture
and vector instructions, which are possible with RISC CPU architecture
and not with CISC architecture like Intel x86_64 architecture.
Intel based servers are cheaper, because of the economy of scale, but
SPARC and PowerPC based server definitely perform much better. I am not
sure about the HP Itanic, I consider HP to be a company on its death
bed. After an escapade with the 3rd party ink cartridges, I would no
longer buy even a printer from them.
Mladen Gogala
Oracle DBA
Received on Tue Dec 20 2016 - 14:11:47 CET